Can8ianben's Blog

This is a blog about me. I'm sure it will at some point talk about the things that I love... that being, my wife Meredith, family, friends, EMU, the Jays and baseball, the Maple Leafs, music, art, TV, biking, and whatever else is going on in my mind.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ah weddings...

While mine is just 10 days, 12 hours, and 24 minutes from taking place, Meredith and I had the privaledge of attending (and for Meredith being involved in) two weddings this weekend. A huge congratulations to Mr and Mrs Myers and Mr and Mrs Artz. Best of luck and God's blessing to both of you, we felt privaledged to be a part of both!

Joanna and Benjy were up first, a great event concluding with a blue grass band! Not sure why so many of these people have red eyes...

We are way too hot :)

Nate and Em were up next, a lovely day for an outdoor wedding, complete with horses, soon to be inlaws, and superman.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Better late than never...

These pics took a little while to get posted, they are from a ballgame at home a few weeks ago with friends and family, including when Meredith and I met Roy Halladay! Note the very happy inlaws at the sight of the Phillies beating the Jays :(

Friday, July 14, 2006

Strikeout makes man, 83, oldest pro baseball player

Check out the rest of this ESPN article here --

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 is underway!

They are off! Check out their website, it's linked right over here -->

Monday, July 10, 2006

One Red Paperclip

He's done it. One man has traded one red paperclip for a house. This is quite possibly Canada's greatest citizen living today, his story can be found here --

If you don't get it, or you had to read that sentance several times, go check out his website. He does a much better job of explaining than I do.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Always the Victor

Congrats to my cornpickin' buddy Victor. Best of luck in the real world (post sweetcorn and school) I guess it all ends eventually, still some things are meant to be together... salt and pepper, pie and icecream, and Vic and RRF.